
Showing posts from May, 2019
The Wife of Bath’s tale focuses on feminist discourse. It’s a story of a knight who comes across a young virgin and rapes her. He his sentenced to death but Queen Guinevere pleads for the knight’s life and King Arthur allows her to dish out his sentence. She gives him to a year and a day to discover what woman really want, and if he comes back with the right answer he will keep his life. If not, he will die. The knight rides off and everywhere he goes he gets a different answer. Until he comes across a field of maidens dancing and when he approaches they disappear and turn into an old hag that tells him she will tell him the secret, but he must grant her one wish. He agrees but once his life is spared and he finds out what it is he’s no so keen. In the end he has no choice but to marry and sleep with the old hag who tuns into a beautiful maiden only in his eyes   Was Geoffrey Chaucer a feminist? It seems he may have been. In the knight’s tale the lady wishes the same. She demands